Běstovice in the Pardubice Region is another village that has been inspired by the self-service shopping trend. The original establishment has not met the standards of a modern shop for a long time. Therefore, the municipality’s management decided to reconstruct it with the simultaneous implementation of an autonomous system. The positive feedback from the neighbouring villages of Koldín and Zámrsk contributed to this decision. The shop operates in a so-called hybrid mode, where a sales assistant is present for part of the day.
Apart from the construction works, the fit out was changed to include shelves, cooling and freezing equipment, lighting, etc. Newly implemented technologies include a system that enables autonomous entry and exit from the store, Bank Identity verification, CCTV systems, surveillance centre and self-service checkouts. Despite initial concerns, the replacement of the delicatessen counter with coolers has contributed to cost-effective operations and an expanded range of merchandise. As a bonus, KONZUM offered customers a 20% discount on every purchase for the first month after opening.